Easily Distracted
Splendor Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Yep, that's me. Easily distracted! As soon as I finished the next set of blocks for my Splendor Quilt, I thought "Wow, I really should make a couple quilts as gifts for {insert special occasion that occurs in one week}." Guaranteeing said quilt gifts will most certainly be late.
My newest three Splendor Quilt blocks look nice though, right?
Splendor Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
So, in a completely different direction I go - at least temporarily. This next quilt idea came as a combination of seeing Allison of Cluck Cluck Sew's Simple Heart Tutorial and Quilt, and a constant Hanna Andersson advertisement that follows me around wherever I go on the internet.
Hanna Hearts Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I love the colors in this Hanna Andersson quilt and I figured - I could make something similar! Mine won't be raw edge like perhaps the one for sale...has anyone seen it in real life?
Hanna Hearts Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
It was serious nose-to-the-sewing-machine yesterday and I stitched up 99 hearts (or 198 heart halves). Not going to lie, my back was sore. I need a better chair for sure.
Hanna Hearts Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I trimmed them up and they are now ready for pressing.
Hanna Hearts Quilt Progress : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I'm hoping to get them sewn together today. After elementary school Valentine's Day parties that is! I hope you all have a wonderful day!