A New Beginning ~ Splendor Quilt
Splendor Quilt Fabric : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Well, I've taken a bit of time off to focus on things away from the sewing machine. Basking in the joy of finishing the Poinsettia Quilt I suppose. I spent the last week thinking about what I wanted to work on next. The big winner is another new quilt/pattern called the Splendor Quilt. This one is an adaptation of the Radiant Splendor block tutorial that I posted last March.
Splendor Quilt Beginnings : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I designed this quilt over the summer and made 2 blocks. Then it sat while other projects jumped in front of it. Now it's on the design wall, looking a bit lonely at the moment.
Splendor Quilt Beginnings : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Not for long though. I have the pattern written and am testing along the way. This is going to be a large Queen Sized quilt. I'm already throwing around the idea of having it long armed. It would be my first time sending a quilt out!
I hope you enjoy watching the process of this quilt coming together over the next several weeks.