Vintage Quilt Revival ~ One Last Look
Vintage Quilt Revival Inside Title Page : Fresh Lemons Quilts
Over the last week I've spent more time at the computer and less time at the sewing machine. But for good reason - we just finished up our last edits for Vintage Quilt Revival. (Read my first post about the book here.)
Vintage Quilt Revival Editing : Fresh Lemons Quilts
It was really exciting to see the book all printed out. I know I'm biased, but it looks so good. I am absolutely bursting to show you all everything.
Vintage Quilt Revival Editing : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I'd love for you to tell your local quilt shops about Vintage Quilt Revival. It's a great fit for both modern and traditional quilters and I think it will speak to a large audience. In the meantime, you can also preorder the book on Amazon.