Two Steps Forward...
Fabric Pull : Fresh Lemons Quilts
I've spent the week in a bit of a holding pattern. I have both gift quilt tops finished and have been waiting for my kids to embroider some labels for them. Only to realize I had no batting. I spent early this week on quilt backs and catching up on some other sewing commitments. Yesterday, I decided to work a bit on a quilt that I planned out just before Sewtopia.
I cut many, many tiny squares. I just love this palette, mainly inspired by Carolyn Friedlander's fabric lines. The more I work with Carolyn's fabrics, the more I am convinced she is a quiet design genius. The small scale and color of her prints...they just inspire me lately. There's some Cotton + Steel basics and a few others from my stash mixed in there as well, coordinating nicely.
Fabric Pull : Fresh Lemons Quilts
So I have this block planned out (which I'll share later), and I thought I knew how I was going to assemble it. Well, you know the old saying "two steps forward, one step back" right?
While I was mindlessly stitching away, I glanced at my sample and realized there was a better (and easier!) way to accomplish it. Sometimes I just break things down to such a small level that I fail to stand back and look at the bigger picture. I stopped everything, made a new test block, and realized that yes, this was the new and better way to go. It's a bit discouraging to know that I wasted all my time so far. I called it a day and let myself mope, but today I'm going to go back into the sewing room and start fresh.
Oh - and I now have one kiddie quilt label finished and batting ready, so I will also be basting and maybe wrapping up a quilt today. Wish me luck!