Scrapbox Frames ~ A Quilt Block Tutorial
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
Remember earlier this week when I said that my next post would be my finished Picnic Point quilt? Well, I *did* finish the quilt on Wednesday ~ yay! But then I realized it's way too big for me to take a picture of without my husband's help. So! We will have to snap those photos this weekend.
Yesterday, I decided I just needed a bit of a sewing cleanse. No pattern, no plan, just tackle some scraps and sew them together. It was quite therapeutic. I ended up with these quilt improvy blocks that I decided to call Scrapbox Frames. I thought I would share my process in case anyone else wanted to make their own.
My scrap baskets are a bit out of control.
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
I decided to make warm (pink, red, yellow, orange) blocks and cool (blue, green, purple) blocks. I grabbed some warm scraps...
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
Stacked them...
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
And stitched them together.
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
Then I used my rotary cutter without a ruler and freehand cut them into columns.
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
I repeated this many times for lots of different scrappy strips. Next I guesstimated the size of a center square, cutting it a bit larger than I thought I needed.
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
I picked a side and stitched the scrappy improv strip to the solid center.
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
I worked my way around the center, trimming the gray and adding to the strips if needed.
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
VoilΓ ! Scrappy little quilt blocks!
Scrapbox Frames Quilt Block Tutorial
These are fun, they all turn out different sizes and are great scrap busters. You could nest one inside another. Lots of possibilities and a chance to sew without a pattern.