Radiant Splendor Supersized Quilt Along ~ Week 3

Radiant Splendor Supersized_Finished Back

Radiant Splendor Supersized_Finished Back

Welcome back to Week 3 of the Radiant Splendor Supersized quilt along over on BERNINA's We All Sew blog.  This is the final week of the quilt along, and we will be assembling the quilt top and finishing up the quilt!

Radiant Splendor Supersized Quilting Progress

Radiant Splendor Supersized Quilting Progress

As a reminder, the Radiant Splendor Supersized Quilt Along will follow the below schedule:

Week 1 : Fabric Selection, Requirements, Cutting Week 2: Piecing Block Units Week 3: Quilt Top Assembly, Quilting, Finishing Up

I hope you have enjoyed making your own Radiant Splendor Supersized quilt.  I'd love to see your finishes!