Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks

Last week I got some really exciting mail. This is the latest issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks (vol 5). It is a collection of patterns for 100 different quilt blocks, designed by various quilters/designers/bloggers. When I was flipping through the magazine, I recognized a lot of names and I'm sure you will too. So...not only am I super happy to tell you I have a block in this issue - but look, that's my name on the cover! (Right by my good friend Lee!) In case you are wondering, that's me, Faith Jones. :)

My block is called Diamond Mine and is #474 inside the magazine. They had us sign our name on the actual block which I have never done before. I kept thinking "Really? Write my name ON the block?" Despite all my elementary teachers' best efforts, I just have horrible handwriting. You can see it in the bottom pink section.

And here is the block at my house before I mailed it off...

When I was designing the quilt block, I mocked up a couple of ways you can layout your blocks for a quilt top.
This issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks officially goes on sale May 8th. I hope you will check it out at your local bookstore or craft store!