New Fabric!

First, I just wanted to thank everyone who listened to my interview on Pat Sloan's radio show yesterday! I truly appreciated all the kind emails, tweets, Facebook messages, text messages...I have the best group of friends here and I am forever grateful for all of you. If you didn't get a chance to listen live, you can still catch the program recorded on the American Patchwork and Quilting radio show website. Also, speaking of Pat - she is doing a big Valentine's Day giveaway over on her blog today, go check it out!
On to the fabric! The above huge bundle of beauties arrived over the weekend from the fabulous people at Art Gallery. This is the Summerlove line which will be available in March (with some of their wonderful solids and oval elements mixed in). I can't wait to play with these! Any suggestions as to what I should make? My first thoughts were a string quilt.
You also may have heard that Moda has reprinted the super popular American Jane Pezzy print.

I thought I'd be able to resist these...but that only lasted about 2 days. This is a fat quarter set. You can find these at Fresh Squeezed Fabrics and Lark Cottons.
Don't forget to stop back tomorrow for the last star tutorial of the Solstice Stars Series!