Celebrate Christmas: Starry Night Quilt Block Tutorial


For the last several weeks, Michele (Mishka) over at Quilting Gallery has been featuring a Celebrate Christmas blog party.

Each week three bloggers share tutorials for new quilt blocks. And today is my day! You can read my interview here. I'd like to welcome all the new visitors to my blog, I hope you enjoy my block, Starry Night.

This quilt block is a paper pieced. For those of you that participated in the Summer Sampler Series, you are old pros! If you are new to paper piecing, do not fear. First, I recommend reading through this tutorial and even making the sample block. It will really give you a basic understanding of paper piecing. And hopefully put your mind at ease. Second, I recommend reading through the entire tutorial for today's block before starting. And finally, take your time making this one. We will be paper piecing 4 small blocks and then piecing those together. Ready? Let's get started!

Starry Night Quilt Block Tutorial

Please note, all seams are 1/4″; Final block size 12.5″ unfinished

Reduce your stitch length so that the paper template will perforate easily. I used 1.5 stitch length.

Paper Piecing Templates

Print 4 of the Paper Piecing Template below. Be sure to print them at 100% and check the scale icon with a ruler before starting.

Starry Night Paper Piecing Template

Prepare the templates. Cut the templates out around the seam allowance line.


Step 1. Cut your fabric. When cutting fabric for paper piecing, you will be cutting fabric that will be larger than needed. (You can save your scraps for later quilt squares.)

I recommend cutting 1 of each piece below, making a block, and ensuring it is enough fabric for your sewing style. Then you can make adjustments later for the rest of your blocks. These are the fabric sizes I used for my paper piecing.

Pattern Piece
1 Cut 4 5" x 4"
2 Cut 4 5" x 4"
3 Cut 4 5" x 3"
4 Cut 4 5" x 3"
5 Cut 4 10" x 2"
6 Cut 4 7" x 4"

Tip: I like to write the fabric color name I'm planning on the template pieces so I don't get confused as I'm sewing. Yes, I'm easily confused.

Step 2: Take your fabric cut for Piece 1 and place it right side out on the back of your template, making sure to cover the entire template space 1. Pin into place.

Step 3: Take your fabric cut for Piece 2. Place it right side together to Piece 1 which you pinned into place in Step 2. Hold your template up to the light and make sure at least 1/4" of the fabric overlaps into template space 2. This will probably feel backwards and wrong the first few times you do it. :) Pin into place.


Step 4: Sew along the seam line on the template between pieces 1 and 2. Be sure to sew a bit into the seam allowance. I also like to backstitch at the beginning and end. Remove your pins.

Step 5: Flip your block over. Press your fabric open. Your square will look like this:


Step 6: Turn your block over and trim the excess fabric from around the template.


Looking better already, right?

Step 7: Take your fabric cut for Piece 3. Place it right side together to Piece 1 which you have sewn into place. Hold your template up to the light and make sure at least 1/4" of the fabric overlaps into template space 3. Pin into place.


Step 8: Sew along the seam line on the template remembering again to sew a bit into the seam allowance.


Step 9: Trim seam allowance.


And press.

Step 10: Repeat the same process for Piece 4.


Turn your block over and trim the excess fabric from around the template again.

Step 11: Take your fabric cut for Piece 5. Place it right side together to Piece 3 and 4 which you have sewn into place. Hold your template up to the light and make sure at least 1/4" of the fabric overlaps into template space 5. Pin into place.


Step 12: Once again, sew along seam line...




and Press...


Step 13: Repeat for the final Piece 6. Line up..


Sew, press and trim the block to size:


Congratulations! You've made your first paper pieced block quadrant!

Step 14: Now repeat these steps for the remaining three templates.

**TIP: To achieve the look of my block, you will want to reverse the location of the blue fabrics on two of the four templates. **

Step 15: Once you have all four templates pieced, remove the paper from the back. This should perforate easily as long as you remembered to shorten your stitch length before sewing.


Step 16: Sew the 4 quadrants together to create your quilt block.


You're done!

Mock up of what entire quilt top would look like:
